Friday 11 January 2013


ok i ada kata i pegi facial kan.. so i just nak share something that might be useful for some of u especially for those who have sensitive and acne-prone skin. actually my skin type is acne, oily, open pore, sensitive and dull skin. so sambil buat treatment, the cute beautician tu advice me i untuk kurang makan makanan yang pedas dan berminyak, be more vegetarian and wash my face 3 times daily. hahahaha kena batang hidung pemalas nak cuci muka. then she said i have to change my current product to more mild product which is sit for sensitive skin. AVOID coklat and milo... WHY? actually i pun tak pasti... other than that, my acne may cause of hormone ataupun darah kotor which is true.. so dia ada advice untuk i try minum teh herba cina... sedang mencari kedai herba cina ..tak tau mana ada... oh ya jangan lupa minum air masak banyak-banyak untuk membantu membuang toksin dalam badan...

so the result lepas i ikut advice beautician tu, ya i nampak improvement eventhough not 100% but it is much much more better than sapa-sapa yang ada masalh yang sama boleh la let me share prodct yang i guna skrg mana tau kot ada yang berminat heheeh....boleh cari kat watson or guardian..

tadaaaaa.....eucerin dermopurifyer(ejaan tu check balik)

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